M104: The Sombrero Galaxy


Images taken: April 15 - 16, 2007, by Katy Berry, Abigail Stanbury, Cooper Rimmer, Kevin Dodez.

Telescope: Meade 12 in with f/5.7 focal reducer (f=68in); field = 20' x 30'.

Camera: SBIG ST-10 CCD

Exposures: 4x15 min red, 6x15 min green, 7x15 min blue (4.15 hours total).

The Sombrero Galaxy in Corvus is a spiral looked on almost from the edge. Its dark dust lanes are very prominent; the halo iss unusually bright for a spiral galaxy. The spiral arms are hidden behind the dust.

Image processing: CCDoops + CCDSoft + CCDSharp + Photoshop CS.