Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Habilitation Prize

Jun 15, 2010: Ulrich Sperhake has been awarded the Habilitation Prize of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany. Due to conference travel, he will not be able to attend the official award ceremony on Jun 25, but will receive the award at the end of July 2010.
Congratulations Uli!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

DEISA Extreme computing

Congratulate us! We were just granted 1.5 million CPU hours under the DEISA Extreme Computing Initiative (DECI-6). Citation:

The DEISA Extreme Computing Initiative is aiming at leading, ground breaking applications in selected areas of science and technology dealing with complex, demanding, innovative simulations with a label of excellence from at least one national evaluation committee.

The proposals submitted this year to the DEISA initiative involve researchers from 30 countries - 22 in Europe and eight from the continents of America, Asia, and Australasia. More than half a billion computer-hours have been requested, an over-subscription by a factor of ten.
For more info, see this webpage

Visit to Princeton


Miguel and Vitor visited Frans Pretorius’s group at Princeton. After Miguel’s talk on our latest work, we were still able to visit Einstein’s low-profile former home.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Visit to FSU Jena

Helvi is going to visit the numerical relativity group at the Theoretical Physics Institute at the FSU in Jena from the 14th to 18th of June, 2010.
She will present our work on “Numerical Relativity in D-dimensional space-times” in the SFB Videoseminar