Fabrizia, Alessandro and Enrico will spend their summer at Ole Miss working with Alex and Marco on LIGO-related science. Fabrizia (University of Naples, Italy) will focus on developing new tools for Advanced LIGO detector characterization. Alessandro (University of Parma, Italy) and Enrico (also at the University of Naples) will work on aLIGO Gamma Ray Burst searches with Alex. They will stay at Ole Miss for about ten weeks. Welcome to all of them!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Ole Miss welcomes summer students Fabrizia Canfora, Alessandro Manzotti and Enrico Petrillo
The Ole Miss LIGO group welcomes Dr. Alexander Dietz as Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Alexander (Alex) Dietz joined the gravity group as Post-Doctoral Research Associate on August 1st, 2011. A native of Germany, Alex earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Physics in Heidelberg. Before joining our group, he worked at Louisiana State University, Cardiff University and in the Virgo Experiment at the Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux (France). At Ole Miss Alex will work on LIGO-related astrophysics. His expertise is in Compact Binary Coalescence searches and Gamma Ray Bursts. Welcome, Alex!
Monday, August 1, 2011
New developments in space-based gravitational wave astronomy
For almost two decades now, ESA and NASA have studied the LISA mission for the observation of low-frequency gravitational waves as an equally shared partnership of the two agencies.
ESA has recently changed the guidelines for large (”L-class”) missions in the Cosmic Vision framework to require European-only funding, because NASA was financially unable to proceed on the timescale of the launch of the first L-class mission (”L1”) in ESA’s Cosmic Vision Programme.
A search for a European-led variant of LISA that could be launched by 2022 was begun.
After studying several configurations, a new baseline for transfer, orbit and layout has been identified that will be refined in the coming month with the help of European industry. The new baseline employs less costly orbits, and simplifies the design of LISA by reducing the distance between the satellites and employing four rather than six laser links. This considerably reduces the mass and cost, while retaining much of the original science, in part because of new approaches to data analysis.
The European Science Team and a Science Task Force, composed of members of the gravitational wave and astrophysics communities in both Europe and the US, have assessed the scientific validity of the new LISA baseline for the fields of physics, astrophysics and cosmology and have shown that the new configuration should detect thousands of galactic binaries, tens of (super)massive black hole mergers out to a redshift of z=10 and tens of extreme mass ratio inspirals out to a redshift of 1.5 during its two year mission. The investigation of fundamental physics and cosmology tests will continue over the next few months, until we have a finalized mission proposal by the fall of 2011. The preliminary results of this investigation are looking promising.
This announcement is not an official statement of ESA or NASA.
Karsten Danzmann
(Formerly co-chair of the LISA International Science Team)