Friday, January 20, 2012
Marco has been appointed Assistant Spokesperson of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, effective January 16th. Marco’s new responsibilities will include monitor the proper progress of regular Collaboration activities and help to oversee the progress of some of the new projects that are approved by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration Council or the Executive Committee.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
The eLISA-NGO mission concept has a new website.
Check out also the related posting on the arXiv.
Background information is available in this Scientific American article.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
We will have several visitors in the second half of January and first half of February, including Sarah Caudill (Jan 22-25), Vitor Cardoso (Jan 15-Feb 12), Leonardo Gualtieri (Jan 29-Feb 10), Michael Horbatsch (Jan 26-Feb 11) and Uli Sperhake (Jan 31-Feb 13). Welcome everybody!