The LIGO group at UMiss has successfully secured NSF funding for the production of a sequel documentary to the recently released science documentary LIGO: A Passion for Understanding, directed by science filmmaker Kai Staats (Over the Sun Productions). Shooting of the new film, “LIGO:Generations” (working title), will begin June 1st at the LIGO Laboratory in Livingston, Louisiana.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Congratulations to Daniel Duddleston
Daniel Duddleston graduated with a BSc in physics from the Honors College by successfully defending his thesis “Detector Characterization Analysis of the Initial Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Obervatory using Principal Component Analysis”. Congratulations, Daniel!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Visit by Paolo Bertozzini
Paolo Bertozzini gave a talk (”Quantum Mathematics for Quantum Physics”) at our weekly group meeting on 4/30/2014. The slides of his talk can be found here.