Saturday, January 31, 2015

LIGO Generations — The film

After many weeks of intensive preparations, today the documentary film LIGO Generations was premiered on space.com … e-film-hd-video.html

Created and directed by Kai Staats (filmmaker, writer and, as he puts it “recovering entrepreneur”) the film features researchers of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and charts the history of the field, and the dramatic next phase about to unfold with Advanced LIGO.

Filmed at MIT and at the LIGO Livingston Observatory, LIGO Generations was supported by the University of Mississippi through NSF award PHY-1067985.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Review on tests of general relativity

One year ago, during this workshop at Ole Miss, we started putting together a review on tests of general relativity using present and future astrophysical observations. That review is finally on the arXiv. Check it out! A big “thank you” to all the people who attended the workshop and to all coauthors.