The University of Mississippi is proud to host the 20th Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation (FPCP 2022), which will be held on campus from May 23-27, 2022.
The conference will feature primarily plenary sessions in which invited speakers will review recent progress in both theory and experiment on a range of topics including
- CP violation in hadrons and leptons
- Rare decays of hadrons and leptons
- Heavy quark decays and CKM metrology
- Exotic quarkonium-like states and pentaquarks
- Neutrino physics and PMNS metrology
- Flavor and the Higgs and Dark sectors
We also invite submissions for oral and poster presentations, which can be submitted through the conference indico site. Early career researchers are particularly encouraged to attend and present their research. Scholarships are available for students and postdocs, who can inquire at fpcp2022@phy.olemiss.edu.