- 12/17: Landing: ESA's Beagle 2 probe will parachute
to Mars' surface on the 25th (NASA,
- 12/09: Nozomi Mission: Japanese space agency abandons
hope for successful mission (SFN,
- 12/08: Weather: Data suggest that Mars may be emerging
from an ice age (space,
- 12/03: Mars Express: On-board camera snaps first picture
of Mars, an unusual one (SFN)
- 11/26: Mars Odyssey: The radiation monitoring device
stopped working last month (SFN)
- 11/15: Future Missions: The ESA has selected proposals
for the Mars Sample Return mission (SFN)
- 11/14: Water: Pictures from Mars Global Surveyor privide
more evidence for past rivers (SFN,
- 11/08: Past Missions: Viking missions may have failed
to detect life because of the desert (SFN)
- 11/08: Surface Features: Mars is like Texas: Everything
is bigger, including sand dunes (SFN,
- 10/24: Climate: Presence of olivine indicates that
Mars has been cold and dry for a long time (SFN)
- 10/01: Future Missions: The next set will begin with
Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter's launch in 2005 (space)
- 09/10: Future Missions: NASA's plan for the decade
needs to consider some key issues (space)
- 09/04: Water: Mars may have experienced occasional
downpours (S&T),
and rusted without water (S&T)
- 08/27: Surface: Scientists are figuring out how water
eroded away ancient craters (S&T)
- 08/27: Opposition: Hubble Telescope takes best picture
ever of Mars from Earth (SFN,
- 08/21: Search for Water: Mars Global Surveyor data
give critical evidence regarding past oceans (SFN)
- 08/16: Search for Life: Ice towers may be a promising
place to look, in addition to river channels (SFN)
- 08/04: Future Missions: Phoenix lander will search
for water and life in northern polar region (SFN)
- 07/29: Moons: A new theory says Phobos and Deimos
are fragments of an old, larger moon (space)
- 07/25: Water: Los Alamos releases new map of likely
places for water (spaceref,
- 07/08: Rovers: Rover B, "Opportunity", has
been launched on Mars course (SFN,
update (space)
- 06/20: Nozomi Mission: The spacecraft is on its way
to Mars after final swing-by of Earth (space,
- 06/17: Nozomi Mission: Japan's first Mars-bound probe
appears to be in serious trouble (space)
- 06/17: Rovers: Rover B, "Opportunity", is
scheduled for launch on June 26th (spaceref)
- 06/10: Rovers: Rover A, "Spirit", has been
launched on its 7-month journey to Mars (SFN)
- 06/05: Mars Environment: The Odyssey spacecraft sees
more changes and activity than expected (space)
- 06/05: Rovers: How the landing sites for the upcoming
missions were chosen (space)
- 06/04: Nozomi Mission: Status of the Japanese spacecraft,
due to arrive around the end of the yar (SFN)
- 06/02: Mars Express: The spacecraft and Beagle 2 lander
are on their way to Mars (spaceref,